The story begins on April 24, 2003, when Angel and her doll Gigi joined the Beaty family in Anchorage, Alaska. Mike and his ex-wife had been married for many years without children, and wanted to adopt a child into their family. They decided to open their home to foster children, in the hopes of adopting. After they applied to foster and were approved, they brought eight-month old Angel home for the first time. When Angel came into their lives, she brought with her another addition to the family; Gigi. At the time, no one knew what a significant role Gigi would play in their lives.
After fostering Angel for a year, Mike asked her biological mother if they could adopt Angel. Much to his delight, she said yes. The adoption process took eight months. Once all was settled, Angel was forever a part of the Beaty family!
Shortly after adopting Angel, the family moved to Chile, the home of Mike’s ex-wife. After a year in Chile, they made a return visit back to Alaska. While there, they learned Angel’s birth mother was expecting a child. The day after the baby girl was born, Mike, who was back in Chile, received a surprising phone call: the adoption agency wanted to know if they would adopt Angel’s new baby sister! Without hesitation Mike responded that he did. Three months later, he boarded a plane to Alaska to meet his new daughter, whom he named Victoria.
Mike’s family surprised him by arranging for little Victoria to be at the airport to meet him when his plane landed in Alaska. It was love at first sight! Three weeks later, when all paperwork was in order, he brought Victoria to her big sister Angel anxiously awaiting her arrival in Chile. Angel clearly remembers the day that Victoria came home. She recalls being so overwhelmed by emotion that she didn’t even notice her dad at the airport; all she could see was the baby sister that she finally had!
After eight years of living in Chile, Mike, Angel, and Victoria moved back to Alaska, where the three currently live.
Throughout her life, Angel and her Gigi doll have been inseparable. Gigi has been a best friend, travel companion, confidant, and support throughout her childhood years. Gigi has been with the girls through all the adventures, joys, and challenges that life has brought them. She has traveled the world with them, exploring South America, Europe and various parts of the United States.
Mike has a Bachelor of Science in Geography and later earned his MBA. His and his daughters’ dream is that all girls have a Gigi in their life, who can be their key to exploring the world, and ignite a passion in their lives for geography and culture. They hope that Gigi may be for all young ladies, as she has been for Angel and Victoria, a Girl’s invitation to global information!